We were back in Michigan last weekend for an extended time as Jo had Thursday and Friday off, so I took them off too. We got a chance to
Next weekend Zack has a big cub/boy scout verterans day parade he is walking in somewhere in southern Vermont. I guess this is a big to-do as I think the entire Vermont scouting groups are invited. My understanding is that that is all that’s in the parade is scouts and veterans. Sounds very cool. On the subject of the boys, we have two Transformers(Sean & BJ) and one Harry Potter (in quidditch outfit)(Zack) for Halloween this year. I’ll try and post some pictures for you. We went to a locally sponsored Halloween party last night that the rec department puts on for kids. It was really nice and they had fun stuff for the guys to do. Oh yeah, I totally forgot, BJ broke his left hand pinky two weeks ago, right above the second knuckle. No displacement so nothing had to be ‘set’ which is always good. It was very close to the growth plate and there was disagreement by the doctors whether or not it was at the growth plate but regardless it’s stiff treated the same way. So he’s had a big old bendy splint on his fingers which is usually bent in some origami looking thing by the end of the day cause he can’t leave it alone. He also turned 6 this past month (11th).
Jo and I are doing well, we are both busy at work, which is good. We are making some friends and they have been very good to us inviting us over often for Friday nights. Not much to report on that front. I did get my new taillights for my Mini Cooper. Zack, Sean and I put them in today. Really easy! I know most of you don’t care but they just look more snazzy, yes that’s right snazzy! See for yourself.
A quick story for you all about how we came home here last weekend after driving 12½ hours. It was about 6:30 Sunday night and was just past dusk. So visibility was not great but not total night either. It was dark enough to not be able to see which of the windows in the house was unlatched before I ripped the screen out to gain entry. Yes I know, it’s not the preferred method of entering a house but you see when we have the house key on the key ring that is sitting in the house we are attempting to enter, you must resort to some drastic measures. So I thought, ‘no big deal I’ll just get my trusty flashlight from the camper….which…is….in….the…..house….damn! foiled again!’ Alas a solution presented itself that allowed me to identify a window that was unlatched. Before I tell you my solution and how I came to be in possession of the solution keep in mind I’ve just driven 12½ hours in the car and am not totally grumpy but nor am I in a cheery mood. Moving on….So I’m somewhat pissy with the situation and then I remembered my good friend Craig Powers….No Craig, being pissy does not make me think of you, I was just trying to think thru some potential solutions and I remembered that I had just been given one of those pocket tools that folds up and has pliers, screw drivers, etc. But this one had one extra trick up it’s sleeve, it had an LED light on it that was surprisingly bright. Boyaah!, from pissy to ecstatic. And where, you ask, did I get such a unique, situation saving item such as that! You guessed it, Craig Powers! He gave it to me the night before back in Grand Haven. So thanks to Mr. Powers, I did find a window that was unlocked, I did successfully break into our rental house, and I was able to calm down and have a reasonably peaceful night after that. So to you Craig, I tip my hat, for without your need to give away your collected trinkets in an effort to lighten your load prior to heading on your next life adventure, I believe I would have ripped down as many as four screens in the house prior to finding an unlocked window and therefore have four screens to repair prior to leaving next weekend. We all extend our thanks!
I’ll leave you with tonight’s activities……
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