Adding one more thing to deal with........Seany was jumping on a hippity-hop ball and landed on his foot wrong somehow. We let it sit overnight and he was even running around on it ths morning in an attempt to avoid 'The Doctor!!" So we went looking at a few houses today and decided to bring him into the ER just to make sure he didn't ull a BJ and break something. Turns out he did something that made his X-rays not look quite right so the ER guy ut a formed splint on it and Sean and I will be headed into the orthopedic guy tomorrow morning. So we don't kow for sure if it's broken but we will find out tomorrow. As Grandma Dorothy pointed out, ifit is broken we'll be jumping to the front of all the lines at Disney next week with gimpy.
Check out the quick video below, I posted it of Seany skiing but didn't send out a notification. I'm trying to post another one of him skiing but this websight and our dial-up are not liking it.
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