Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cub Scout Popcorn

4 and a half months since my last post......Thats just pathetic!

The following takes place in our bedroom which is where our desktop computer sits (After reading this over again I realize that that statement could go down the wrong road all too quickly). It’s fiction, but had I assembled these boys in front of the computer instead of writing this at my work I believe things would have transpired as follows:

(Zack) Hey everyone! My dad has been very lame about writing blogs lately so I thought I would do one with my brothers.
(Sean): Yah! Dads Lame!
(BJ) Hey, he’s not lame, you are Zack!
(Sean) Yah! Zack’s Lame!
(Zack) KNOCK IT OFF you two!!!! Anyway, so there are lots of things that have been going on and my dad will try and write soon to get you all up to date, but until then BJ and I have some popcorn stuff to sell for Cub Scouts. It’s really late and the orders are due tomorrow, but you don’t have to pay until later….
(BJ interupts) No Zack you have to pay now!
(Zack) No you don’t BJ, you can pay later!
(BJ) Now!
(Zack) BJ!!!! Stop screwing this up!!!!! You don’t have to pay until later!!!!
(Dad) Hi everyone, just chiming in to put them back on track. BJ, you can pay now and the scouts would prefer that, but you don’t have to. Zack stop yelling all the time.
(Sean) Told Ya!
(Zack yelling again) Sean you never said anything!
(Sean) Oh. (Sticks tongue out, Zack tries to grab it and gets a piece which sends Sean crying to mom)
(Dad) Go ahead Zack, keep going.
(Zack) Where was I?
(Dad) Popcorn, don’t have to pay now, orders due tomorrow……
(Zack) Oh yah, so BJ is a tiger cub this year and I’m a Bear cub this year and even dad is in the scouts. He’s BJ’s tiger den leader!! Ha Ha!!! He He!! He looks dorky in his uniform. (Sean came back in the room)
(BJ) Yah, he is, he’s my tiger den leader. He doesn’t look dorky.
(Sean) (laughing) Yah, dorky!
(Dad) Yep, it’s true. The dorky part too.
(Zack) So my dad is going to attach some files somehow so that you can look at what to order. BJ and I are going to split what comes in. If you’d like to support the cub scouts by buying popcorn that would be cool. So I guess you can call my dad or something….
(Dad) Yah Zack, they can call my cell phone or email me or home phone. 616-402-4652 or 802-782-8364. Is that all you want to say Zack and Beej?
(BJ) What?
(Zack) I think so….
(Dad) Beej why don’t you tell everyone what the money goes for.
(BJ) What?
(Dad) Clearly folks, the focus is lost!!!
(Zack) What is it used for dad?
(Dad) Well it helps the scouts pay for sign up fees to different events and put great trips and exploration things together. It also helps the local packs pay for the badges and awards that are handed out thru the year. It really is the prime source for income.
(Zack) Oh……and pine would derby cars?!
(Dad) Yep, even those.
(Sean) Sweeeeet!
(Dad) (laughing) Yah, it is sweet. Are you gonna be a scout next year too Seany?
(Sean) (Rolls eyes at Dad) Yah dad, duh!
(Dad) You heard it folks 5 years old going on 13!!! OK Guys anything else you want to say?
(BJ) Are people going to buy me Legos?
(Dad) What?! What are you talking about, you are asking people to buy popcorn from you for cub scouts!
(BJ) Oh, I forgot.
(Dad) Is that it guys?
(Zack) Is Drew gonna read this?
(BJ) Yah, is Drew gonna read this?
(Sean) Yah, is Drew Gonna read this?
(Dad) I don’t know if he will but I bet one of his parents will and tell him about it. Why?
(Zack) Can I say hi?
(BJ) Yah, me too.
(Sean) Yah me also.
(Dad) Go ahead….
(All three boys yelling at the computer as if that is going to make it come out in print) hi Drew, hi Drew, hi Annie, yah, hi Annie!
(Dad) What about the twins? Daniel and, and, and, Damn!......Erin! Hah, I remembered this time! (Maybe If I had met them more than twice, but still I just can’t seem to get Erin thru my skull. Crimeny Sakes!! Sorry Dave, sorry Suzanne!)
(The boys again) Oh yeah, hi Daniel, hi Erin, hi Daniel, hi Erin.
(Zack) I remembered Erin’s name!
(BJ) Me too!!
(Sean) Me too!!
(Dad) Yah I knew you guys didn't forget, I’m old!
(The boys run off to play with Shasta our new Husky all focus on this task lost)
The end.

Hey everybody it’s me again, Dad, or Jim or whatever! Yep, we got a husky pup. More on that later…….We really would like to have people order popcorn if you haven’t already supported your local scouts. And if that is your preference no problem. I am really sorry at getting this to you all so late but I didn’t think of putting it on the blog until now.

I am writing another blog after this and hope to have it up in the next day or so. Lots to cover though. I will be attaching two files of the flyer that I scanned so hopefully it will work. If not email me and I’ll email them out to you.


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